Featured Articles
Is Your Business Dying Because Your Marketing Is On A Starvation Diet?
At the top of my list of books-to-read this Fall as you plan for business success in 2025 is “Stop Starvation Marketing” by Christine Slocumb. This is a must-read if you are a B2B solution provider in life sciences, technology, or any space characterized by long sales cycles, high-investment solutions, and complex business relationships. It will change how you think about and do marketing, and the results you achieve by following Chris’ advice will be astounding
Is Your Business Dying Because Your Marketing Is On A Starvation Diet?
Put Some Icing On Your Marketing (Cake) Plan!
Icing is a big attention-getter when it comes to cakes. Who doesn’t enjoy scanning all those cakes in the bakery showcase? And the icing is often the initial differentiator. Consider the icing to be the paid media part of your marketing plan.
What Have You Baked Into Your Marketing Plan?
Developing an annual marketing plan is like baking a cake! Once you get all the ingredients in place, including all the resources and budget, and begin executing, it’s hard to undo. Imagine going back to the CFO for more budget because you left out some key ingredients.
Before You Begin Planning For Next Year, Look At How Things Went This Year?
This is the time of year when most businesses, and their marketing and sales teams, begin planning for next year. Before jumping into your planning process, it’s a good idea to closely examine what you’ve accomplished this year.
Begin Planning With The End In Mind
This week we’ll close out the last full month of summer. That’s right, it’s best to accept the truth, order yourself a pumpkin spice latte during your next Starbucks stop, and start thinking about your marketing and sales plans for 2025.
How Deep Is Your Personal Development?
What are you doing to grow and how serious are you? You may consume professional journals, read professional and personal development books and perhaps adopt new hobbies. But how deep are you going?
Capturing Your Target Audience's Attention!
You have several seconds to capture the attention of your target audience before they move on to something else. What can you do about it?
Should Your Messaging Appeal To Your Target Audiences' Fears Or Opportunities?
Our fears are rooted in our survival DNA and messages that appeal to our fears “get our attention.”
So You're Building Awareness, But Of What?
I’ve lost count of the companies who have told me the objective of their marketing campaigns is to build awareness. Using “awareness” to describe marketing is as inevitable as the US female gymnastics team having a group hug after Simone Biles’ floor routine. But my question is always, awareness of what?
Double, Double, Toil And Trouble, Are You Ignoring Signs Of Trouble?
The halfway point of the calendar year is a great time to check in with your clients and determine if they are harboring intentions to end their business relationship with you.