Newsletter | May 10, 2023

05.10.23 -- Change Your Perspective, Change Your Results

  In This Issue:  



Change Your Perspective, Change Your Results


When people hear about customer-centered marketing and sales for the first time, they often press me for the tactics, the how-tos that will drive more business growth.


How do I do content marketing?

What should I create content about?

Where do I put the hook?

What about the call-to-action?

How long will this take to work?


They also become a bit frustrated when I tell them they must change their perspective before they can think about tactics. And the perspective is how they view the relationship between themselves and their buyers.


Customer-centricity is at the heart of the Follow Your Buyer philosophy, and it requires us to suspend any thoughts of selling and adopt a helping attitude. None of the fundamental principles of Follow Your Buyer will make sense, unless we accept 100% that our relationship with buyers is built on helping them.


This edition of our newsletter contains a series of short blogs that will immerse you in the heart of Follow Your Buyer and help you look at your relationship with your buyers differently. The results, more meaningful and lasting business relationships that customers have a difficult time walking away from.


Have every edition of our newsletter delivered to your in-box by signing up here: send me the Follow Your Buyer newsletter each week!


- Perry

Perry Rearick

Chief Editor | Follow Your Buyer


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Learning, Helping, Engaging And Understanding Your Buyer

The Follow Your Buyer methodology for B2B marketing and sales is not about selling, but rather about solution providers learning, helping, engaging, and understanding your buyer. The results are more meaningful and lasting business relationships that develop faster than traditional approaches.