Thoughts for the Week
How's Your Interoperability Between Marketing And Sales?
The common goal of B2B sales and marketing is revenue generation, but the painful truth is that the lack of a seamless flow of actionable information between marketing and sales is more common than we wish to recognize, and it is killing our businesses.
Does Your Reach Exceed Your Grasp?
Continuous improvement is a model embraced by business, sports teams, athletes, and those who are fitness minded. You may have heard the mantra, “no pain, no gain”. However, not all pain leads to gain and not all gain requires pain. But on a personal level, continuous self-improvement requires us to step outside our comfort zone. For some, that can be painful, although it doesn’t have to be. It simply requires the right mindset.
Avoiding Rabbit Holes!
Last week's thought was about the value of operating at a pace in both work and leisure that enables one’s senses to experience things that would otherwise go unnoticed and unlearned. A good companion concept is avoiding rabbit holes, “ooh shiny” attractions that pull us off track and often waste time. And extricating ourselves from rabbit holes is challenging. Go ask Alice!
What We Can Learn from Warren Buffet About Content Marketing
Each year at this time, I look forward to reading Warren Buffett’s letter to shareholders. I never know what I’ll learn, but I’m always confident I will. I tend to pay less attention to the profits and loss data and focus more on what and how Buffett communicates. What especially stood out for me in this year’s letter is how he describes who he writes the letter for. It is a lesson in the importance of understanding one’s target audience and a clinic in developing a target audience persona.
“Of All The Paths You Take In Life, Make Sure A Few Of Them Are Dirt.” – John Muir
I receive great value from hiking. The walking pace and need to maintain situational awareness enables one’s senses to experience things that would otherwise go unnoticed and unlearned.
Communicating An Understanding Of Your Customers' Customers
Does your B2B marketing collateral project the things you sell, or the impact of those things on your customer's business?
Attracting The Habitual Reader With Your Content Marketing Strategy!
I recall a conversation I had with a mid-level marketer about six years ago who was frustrated that his content marketing engagement strategy was only attracting “habitual readers” rather than ready-to-buy leads. Habitual readers? What did he mean by that?
Are You A Member Of The Procrastination Nation?
I’m Perry and I’m a procrastinator. I tend to over think my actions, especially work-related activities.
Managing To-Do List Overload
Does managing your to-do list feel like a stressful juggling act? Like me, I am guessing that your units of work in any given day exceed your units of time available.
Do You Practice Resilience?
My good friend, Todd, is a cold bath enthusiast, an evangelist really, because I now do cold plunges routinely, it helps build resilience. Wait a minute! Resilience? I thought you were either born with it or you weren’t.