Blog | July 5, 2023

Mid-Year Check-Ins With Customers: The Most Important Question You Can Ask!


By Perry Rearick, Chief Editor, Follow Your Buyer

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Short thought for the short week!

A universal gasp is reverberating across the business world as we become aware that, yes, it is July and we’re already halfway through the calendar year.

This is a good time for a mid-year marketing and sales check-up. Content audits like the one I described last week are a great way to determine if your content is aligned with the buyer’s journey and attracting prospects. Increase your target audience’s engagement with this simple audit!

Here is another…

If you haven’t already, this is a great time to check-in with your current customers.

As a reminder, B2B buyers are not on a journey to buy anything, but rather, they are trying to solve a problem. The reason they’re doing business with you is they believe you can help them solve a problem. 

Begin by going back to the problem they were facing when they became a customer.

How is that going for THEM?

Did working with you solve the problem for THEM?

Do they believe you’re helping THEM?

Have they encountered any new problems holding their business back?

Creating customers-for-life is about solving problems!