From The Editor

Enlitic's Formula For Success – Enthusiastically Focusing On The Biggest Opportunity


By Perry Rearick, Chief Editor, Follow Your Buyer


The eastern edge of the Rocky Mountains, running north and south through Colorado, is known locally as the Front Range. It’s populated by pragmatic people with a pioneer spirit. If you ask someone for a recommendation on where to buy hiking boots, be prepared for a 20-minute conversation including directions to several outfitter shops. Front Range people love to spend time outdoors and there are no limits to their enthusiasm for it. It is that same enthusiasm that also shapes their work culture.

The Front Range is dotted with numerous technology companies, many of them start-ups, led by smart, optimistic people with a penchant for developing practical solutions for society’s unmet needs. This is where Enlitic calls home.

You might describe Enlitic as a modern healthcare technology company and you wouldn’t be wrong. But, while they use a blend of technologies paired with artificial intelligence (AI), they prefer to call themselves an intelligence company. The way they position themselves in the market and communicate their value is an excellent case study in effective B2B marketing communications.

Focusing on the Biggest Opportunity, Making the Greatest Impact

Chrisane Giard, Digital Marketing Manager, Enlitic
When I first became familiar with Enlitic, I was struck by the immense potential of their technology to address so many issues that society faces. We live in a world of data, and I surmised that Enlitic’s solutions could be used in a variety markets. I was curious as to why Enlitic was laser focused on healthcare and more specifically, imaging centers or facilities that provide radiology services.

According to Chrisane Giard, Digital Marketing Manager at Enlitic, nearly all our health issues require medical imaging in their treatment protocols. Serving the radiological community with a solution to a vexing problem can not only have a huge impact on healthcare, but it is their biggest opportunity for business growth, says Giard.

Why is it the biggest opportunity? There are many point solutions, that use AI, serving radiology teams. Each helps with medical diagnosis in discovering anomalies in images and in vectoring radiologists into problems. However, the various systems lack interoperability resulting in fragmented data. It creates problems that frustrate the teams and while they are aware of the problems, they are less aware of solutions and chalk it up to just the way it is. Giard says that Enlitic uses AI to standardize data across systems, create efficient workflows, reduce team frustration, and increase productivity.

Understanding Your Buying Team

When identifying Enlitic’s target audience personas, Giard says they don’t focus on a single key decision maker but rather those “who have demand authority.” They’ve identified three key personas: executives, radiologists, and picture archive and communication system (PACS) administrators. Enlitic’s understanding of each goes beyond titles. Each persona is uniquely tethered to the problem and each finds value in a solution in a different way.

Executives are always seeking ways to serve more patients, increase efficiency, and protect profit margins. They are also under a lot of pressure to retain highly qualified medical personnel that are experiencing burnout at alarming rates. Giard admits, that this group may not be closest to the problems created by lack of standardization, but they have a great deal at stake.

Radiologists are the ones closest to the problem that Enlitic solves, they serve on the front lines of radiology. They may have to do 100 or more scans per day with multiple images per scan. Problems with hanging protocols or inaccurate data brings their work to a stop and an emergency call to a PACS admin who must triage the issue. When this happens regularly, as it often does, the steady state of frustration fuels inefficiency and creates a poor work environment.

When it comes to data, you’ve likely heard the term, garbage in-garbage out. The PACS admins, who are part of the IT departments, can only work with the data they receive. Point solutions and the inherent interoperability issues deliver inconsistent, inaccurate, or incomplete data sets. The PACS admins are often called upon to fix ordinary data issues that can be avoided with standardized data governance.

Communicating Clearly to Help Them See the Solution

Further contributing to the problem is that all three personas are working at a feverish pace and lack both the time and energy needed to see their problems more holistically and research potential solutions.

Using a content marketing strategy, Giard says that they focus on helping their buyers learn. They have an extensive library of marketing content that includes articles, case studies, webinars, and a variety of videos. None are gated! It is more important for Enlitic to help their target audiences learn than it is to capture lead data.

As mentioned earlier, the three personas with demand authority don’t share a single view of the problem nor what a solution would mean to them. To address this, they have three categories of content, one for each persona, intended to speak to them directly with a deep understanding of their challenges using the same language they use.

When Enlitic communicates the value of their solution, they are loud and clear about the outcomes each persona will achieve with their technology. For example, they don’t drag executives into technical conversations about algorithms and AI, but instead focus on workflow efficiencies. They offer more technical content for the PACS admins. To see how they organize this content, I recommend you visit their website and look at the drop-down menu under the solutions tab. The terms are in fact the three personas that comprise their target audience buying team.

There is a great deal for B2B solution providers to learn from Enlitic’s marketing strategy. They have identified a significant unmet need and their biggest opportunity, and are laser focused on this market. They have researched their target audience and identified three key personas that comprise the team that has demand authority for purchasing their solution. They have further taken the time to understand the challenges they face and what a solution would mean to each. And finally, they have created a comprehensive library of marketing content that is customized for each persona.

Chrisane Giard has over 10 years of digital marketing experience working to understand personas and provide messaging that resonates with them across various platforms. Working with franchise organizations, banking SaaS, and healthcare AI software, she has a diverse outlook on how to gain insights on potential customers and provide information to them, so they have the tools to make the best purchasing decisions. Chrisane is passionate about the entire process of building awareness for a brand she believes in and gaining traction through demand and lead generation.

Enlitic is reimagining healthcare by reimagining intelligence. Using artificial intelligence differently, Enlitic standardizes data to a clinically relevant nomenclature, reclaims staff time and lowers costs by eliminating inefficiencies in workflows, solving capacity challenges, and ensuring medical information is more clinically useful and effective. By di-identifying and anonymizing data, while retaining clinically relevant information, we allow data to be sent and used to redefine the quality and efficiency of research. We are helping to change healthcare by creating the world’s first connected real world evidence platform. We believe that intelligence is nothing without care. We care about humanity and design intelligent solutions that are built to improve healthcare. Healthcare Data Solutions | AI Powered Platform (