Be Courageous!
By Perry Rearick, Chief Editor, Follow Your Buyer
Has courage become the forgotten leadership trait? There was a time when courage ranked at the top of the list of key characteristics of great leaders.
If the leadership traits gathered for Thanksgiving, it was courage who carved the turkey. It seems like now it has been relegated to the children’s table.
Courage is rarely mentioned alongside honesty, integrity, communication, competence, and discernment. Even emotional intelligence sits at the adult table these days.
I think courage is among the most important of the attributes a leader should possess. It serves as the cornerstone for anyone seeking to lead by example or be a servant leader.
Courage enables us to set lofty goals and lead the way to accomplishing them.
Courage spurs us to operate outside our comfort zone.
Courageous people are certain when faced with uncertainty, resolute when others hesitate, decisive when things are murky, and calm when surrounded by chaos.
Courage can be demonstrated by anyone regardless of title and can encourage others to accomplish great things under difficult circumstances.
Be courageous!