Newsletter | April 24, 2023

04.24.23 -- Thought for the Week – Our prospects have noise cancelling capabilities!


THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK - Prospects have noise cancelling capabilities!


Earbuds are one of my favorite technologies. The ones I currently have are wireless and noise cancelling. When wearing them, I cannot hear anything around me and I speak abnormally loud, it sounds ridiculous.


However, they also deliver the sounds I want. But for them to do that, I had to connect them with a trusted source. Most of the time, I’m listening to music or speaking with someone on my phone, so I had to take the time to synch the two devices: the receiver, earbuds, with the trusted source, the phone. The great thing is that they simultaneously block unwanted sounds.


B2B marketing and sales works the same way. Most of the messaging we send never gets to the intended target audiences because they don’t recognize us as a trusted source. Like earbuds, our prospects also have a noise cancelling capability and a connection must be established for them to hear our messages.


What can we do about it? We must go all the way back to the early stages of the buyer’s journey for a solution.


The early stages of the buyer’s journey is when prospects don’t even consider themselves interested in buying something. They may not have even identified a need that requires them to go outside their organization for a solution. They are understanding issues in their market and company, developing strategies, and establishing objectives. The content they are seeking is something that will help them better perform those functions and carry out those responsibilities.


As sellers, if we’re delivering the kind of helpful content prospects seek in the early stages of their journey, as they progress to the latter stages, the features & benefits and product & service description content also reaches them. That’s because they have identified us as a trusted source and have established a connection.


Look at your marketing strategy and content mix in the context of the buyer’s journey. Do you have enough of the right content, helpful content, that is aligned with the needs of your prospects in the early stages of the buyer’s journey? If not, you may be missing out on opportunities that you’re not even aware of!


It’s never too late! Adjust your content mix, engage prospects in a meaningful way in the early stages of their journey, and watch the opportunities grow.


For more B2B marketing and sales tips and advice on content marketing for the buyer’s journey, visit us at Follow Your Buyer and follow us on LinkedIn.


I hope you have a great week! 



Visit us at follow your buyer for more. 



Perry Rearick

Chief Editor | Follow Your Buyer